Welcome to birdsnbats!
My personal website and blog to document my intrests and creative works on the internet. I've spent most of my time being creative on the internet on Tumblr and I am currently still very active on there so feel free to look at my blog and give me a follow if you so choose.
This site is a work in progress so please be patient and let me know if something is off or if there are any broken links etc.
- My Current Intrests:
- Writting
- Ace Attorney series
- Nintendo DS & 3DS
- Style Savvy
- Internet Culture
- Social Sciences
- Horror Films
- Currently Playing:
- Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (AA4)
- Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box
- Style Savvy: Fashion Forward
- Recently Played:
- Dear Devere
- Professor Layton and the Curious Village
- Professor Layton VS. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney